Actor only~
He has 2 male hamster! CUTE!
Work as usual. Tired as usual. Bored as usual.
After work, headed to meet AD and his friends.
Dinner at Billy Bombers at Cine. The food is nice (Y)
After that, headed to Leonard's house. AD mahjong but I played
Dai Dee with the guys. Lose jiu drink. I'm a lousy drinker.
Leonard vomited all over his house. Mahjong and chit chatted
with his mother about her maid stories. Stayed til lalmost 6am.
And Zhi Wei drove me home using his BIKE!!!! OMG! My
very first time riding on a bike!!!! Fucking cool !!!!! HAHAHA!
Thanks Zhi Wei! Mad shag! Slept till late late afternoon the next day.