Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ad's Birthday


It's been so long since I last blogged.
Since I started my career, I didn't have time to do my own stuffs during the weekdays.
My weekday are hectic every single day. The moment I ended work, I will always look 
forward to going home to have a nice dinner cooked by my mummy, slack throughout 
my dinner time with my dramas and wait for my 9pm to arrive to have a usual short conversation 
with my AD. I'm a type of person who is willing to put in all effort during work, willing to suffer through. 
I don't mind, because this is life but I always told myself something - " It's weekend very very soon! "
This is why I love planning outings for my weekends! 

I may not complain much on my Twitter/Facebook/blog about my working life but it's doesn't mean i feel alright everyday. I made many mistakes during work, even big mistakes until the biggest boss of the company came down personally to talk to me. ( can you imagine the biggest boss came to look for me, a such a small employee? ) nobody can never ever understand the fear I had. But I'm truly glad I gone through this type of experience at such a young age. Because I'm still young, first full time job, no experiences, everybody is willing to give me another chance and surprising my supervisor even comfort me telling me it's alright.
I'm glad.

So many things had happen during work but I'm glad I made it through.
Overall, I love my job.
Thank god!




I love my weekends! I seriously always looking forward to meet my AD every time!
I am always excited to see how much my AD had change!
and he never fail to surprise me! He seriously slim down damn alot
even until now i just cant believe my own eyes. I seriously really proud
of him!!!!! Proud of him of being so determined!
AD, Good Job!

Anyway life has been good especially with such loving mummy who cooks delicious lunch for me eeveryday without fail, and with my sweet AD who always never fails to call me no matter how tired he is & of course all my friends who are forever so steady!




Ad's Birthday last week.
Hope you enjoyed your simple celebration, Baby.
The Amount of tears i saw, i will never forget.

