After school , went to Dear's house.
Super long didn't see him. Sian ~
( i don't wanna be like that)
His yeye was at his house.
Say hi to him. He is damn cute and blur ~
hahahaaha. Ate dinner with yeye and Dear.
Watched Singapore Idol afterward. Me and
Dear cant stop laughing at those lame contestants.
i wanna share something with everyone :

Gambling is not a crime or offense, but when you get addicted to it, you will lose total control of yourself and your emotion will be greatly affected. Not only does it affect you physically, mentally and emotionally, you'll also be hurting people around you. ):
many people take gambling as a form of entertainment, hobby or even as an alternative income. However, not everyone knows that it is extremely dangerous when you get seriously obessed into it.
Please listen to me. I beg you.